Let your pandemic scars bathe in the healing presence of nature at the Ecology Retreat Centre in Mono, Ontario with the upcoming
Mindful Self Compassion Intensive in Nature
facilitated by Dr Kimberly Sogge, C.Psych. Clinical Health Psychologist and our Chief Compassion Officer. Learn the research based skills of the Mindful Self Compassion curriculum developed by Drs Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer and validated in hundreds of research studies that show the wholesome health, relationship and mental health effects of cultivating mindfulness and self compassion in times of difficulty.
Check out our Workshops and Courses link for more information, or call our office at 613-656-3331 to speak to a friendly live person about registration.
It is time to heal and recommect. See you at the Ecology Retreat Centre July 7 to 13, 2022. You will be glad you prioritized yourself.
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Join Our Team
We are Welcoming Autonomous & Supervised Practice Psychologists, Psychological Associates, MA Psychometrists The Ottawa River Psychology & Ottawa River Integrative Mental Health team, in bright newly renovated offices located in Suite 100 at 201 McLeod Street...
Join the Ottawa River Integrative MH Community
Useful Tools Free workbooks from the Centre for Clinical Interventions (Australia) Information on Bipolar and other Mood Disorders Great CBT Homework and Behavioral Experiment downloads Mindful Eating Awareness Checklist by Dr. Susan Albers Pleasant Events Schedule...
Pandemic Recovery Begins with Self Compassion
It has been a hard few years and we have really missed each other. Common humanity is hard to access from behind a computer screen. Let your pandemic scars bathe in the healing presence of nature at the Ecology Retreat Centre in Mono, Ontario with the upcoming Mindful...
Land Acknowledgement
As an Ottawa based organization we recognize the colonial structures that are upheld by our presence here on stolen land. We recognize that we operate on stolen land. Ottawa is built on unceded Algonquin Anishinaabe territory. Through our actions we hope to honour the...